No doubt you’ve heard the news: California’s Proposition 12, widely considered the strongest animal protection law in the world, is at risk. Right now the pig industry is challenging this law—and with it, every caring person who voted for it. Soon the fate of animals will be at the mercy of the United States Supreme Court.
My first encounter with a factory farm was as a child. My family lived near a fur farm, where living beings were treated as nothing more than raw materials—commodities. That’s the part that stuck with me. The more I learned about “business as usual” on factory farms—severe confinement, deprivation, mutilations—the more horrified I became. You could say this industry inspired me to rise up and become the animal advocate I am today.
Today I serve as a Board member at The Humane League, and once again I find myself ... inspired. Because when the factory farming industry decided to flex its legal muscle and try to overturn one of the few meaningful protections for farm animals, they dismissed the concerns of every caring voter—and anybody who ever believed that animals are more than meat-industry profits on legs.
What they failed to anticipate was how deeply people like you and I really care. Their callousness has only steeled my resolve. So while THL and our partners battle the factory farming industry in the Supreme Court, I’m putting up $100K to make an impact where it counts—corporate campaigns that will secure protections for millions of animals—regardless of how the court rules.
This only works if we work together. Here’s how: As we approach World Farm Animals Day on October 2, I’m personally matching all gifts, up to $100,000. So, $15 becomes $30. $50 becomes $100. Are you with me?

Melody Hildebrandt
THL Board Member |