This is infuriating, John.
This summer, we watched Trump’s radical Supreme Court strip away rights that belong to women and hand them to extremists in the states.
Then, we watched the same Republicans who cheered “states rights” introduce a
national abortion ban that would put them in charge of a woman’s most personal decision.
I’ll be blunt. If we give these extremists another inch in the House or Senate, they'd have no issue sending us back into the dark ages.
Lives are at stake. Every woman -- and every person who loves a woman -- needs to vote out the Republicans who are aligning with this hypocritical crusade. Here in CA-41, that starts by ousting the incumbent Republican Ken Calvert.
Can I count on you to send in an urgent contribution to help pro-choice Democrat Will Rollins unseat Ken Calvert? Will’s team tells me they need to see 500 donations come in before midnight to stay on pace to meet their FEC goal, and $3 from you would go a long way.
After 30 years in Congress, Ken Calvert has earned a 0% score from Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
Zero! He’s a staunch opponent of choice and backs extreme restrictions -- including in instances of rape. He voted for a bill to jail doctors that perform abortions. And he even voted against the bi-partisan Violence Against women Act!
His views on choice are radical and dangerous. They are why this election is so critical for anyone who cares about women's privacy and respect. Our community deserves a member of Congress like Will Rollins, who will fight for our freedoms and health.
With so much on the line, I’m asking you to join me in supporting Will Rollins by making a contribution to his campaign before his last FEC deadline of the election.
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Thank you,
Barbara Boxer
Former U.S. Senator, California