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Hi ,

What do you know about Web 3.0? Is it going to change the way we bank by the year 2030? 

Some policymakers believe that Web 3.0, a blockchain-based option for the Worldwide Web, will replace fintech as the next “new thing” in financial services. Web 3.0 has the potential to enhance consumer privacy and counter the power of “Big Tech” firms to dominate internet activity. 

By giving consumers more control over how their personal data is collected, used, and shared, Web 3.0 could reset the relationship between consumers and financial institutions. 

While Web 3.0 may change the retail customer experience, it will profoundly impact the business of how financial services are packaged and offered. How will it strike the right balance between commercial viability and consumer protections? 

Register now to hear from a regulator, an innovation sector thought leader, and a serial founder and CEO, and learn the opportunities and challenges of Web 3.0.

Join us October 4 at 2 PM ET.

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