Dear john,
Over the past two years, Democrats in Washington have led America off-track. They created crisis after crisis: from crippling inflation and rampant crime, to failing schools, border chaos, and disrespect for our nation across the globe. Worse still, they have ignored our priorities in TX-13 and shown contempt for our values.
House Republicans have a plan to get our country back on track. Today, I'm proud to share our Commitment to America. Starting day one in a Congress that's restored to the American people, my colleagues and I will work to deliver an economy that’s strong, a nation that’s safe, a future that’s built on freedom, and a government that’s accountable. Keep reading to learn more about our commitment to YOU!
An Economy That’s Strong
Fight Inflation and Lower the Cost of Living
- Curb wasteful government spending that is raising the price of groceries, gas, cars, and housing, and growing our national debt
- Increase take-home pay, create good-paying jobs, and bring stability to the economy through pro-growth tax and deregulatory policies
Make America Energy Independent and Reduce Gas Prices
- Maximize production of reliable, American-made energy, and cut the permitting process time in half to reduce reliance on foreign countries and lower the cost of gas and utilities
Strengthen the Supply Chain and End Dependence on China
- Move supply chains away from China, expand U.S. manufacturing, and enhance America's economic competitiveness and cyber resiliency
A Nation That’s Safe
Secure the Border and Combat Illegal Immigration
- Fully fund effective border enforcement strategies, infrastructure, and advanced technology to prevent illegal crossings and trafficking by cartels
- End catch-and-release loopholes, require legal status to get a job, and eliminate welfare incentives
Reduce Crime and Protect Public Safety
- Support 200,000 more police offers through recruiting bonuses and oppose all efforts to defund the police
- Crack down on prosecutors and district attorneys who refuse to prosecute crimes, while permanently criminalizing all forms of illicit fentanyl
Defend America's National Security
- Support our troops, invest in an efficient, effective military, establish a Select Committee on China, and exercise peace through strength with our allies to counter increasing global threats
A Future That's Built on Freedom
Make Sure That Every Student Can Succeed and Give Parents a Voice
- Advance the Parents' Bill of Rights, recover lost learning from school closures, and expand parental choice so over a million more students can receive the education their parents know is best
- Defend fairness by ensuring that only women can compete in women's sports
Achieve Longer, Healthier Lives for Americans
- Personalize care to provide affordable options and better quality, delivered by trusted doctors
- Lower prices through transparency, choice, and competition, invest in lifesaving cures, and improve access to telemedicine
Confront Big Tech and Demand Fairness
- Provide greater privacy and data security protections, equip parents with more tools to keep their kids safe online, and stop companies from putting politics ahead of people
A Government That's Accountable
Preserve Our Constitutional Freedoms
- Uphold free speech, protect the lives of unborn children and their mothers, guarantee religious freedom, and safeguard the Second Amendment
Hold Washington Accountable
- Conduct rigorous oversight to rein in government abuse of power and corruption, provide real transparency, and require the White House to answer for its incompetence at home and abroad
- Save and strengthen Social Security and Medicare
Restore the People's Voice
- Increase accountability in the election process through voter ID, accurate voter rolls, and observer access
Thank you for following along on my journey in Congress! To ensure you are receiving the latest updates from my office, I encourage you to subscribe to my e-newsletter and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Truth Social. Please also forward this to your friends and family in TX-13 and encourage them to subscribe as well.
Your friend and fellow Texan,

Ronny Jackson
Member of Congress
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