Righting the terrible wrongs of stolen elections....this is how it's done. Each town, each city, each individual must fight for free and fair elections.
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HUGE: Wisconsin County Takes Control Away from Dominion – Approves Hand Recount of Governor, Lieutenant Governor and U.S. Senator Race in November Election
Righting the terrible wrongs of stolen elections….this is how it's done. Each town, each city, each individual must fight for free and fair elections.

BREAKING BIG: Wisconsin County Takes Control Away from Dominion – Approves Hand Recount ...

Pamela Geller in The American Thinker: Biden Crushing Iran’s Freedom Revolution, Just As Obama Did
Check out my latest in the American Thinker:

#IranRevolution@IranHRS publishes names and specifications of 40+ citizens who sacrificed their lives for a democratic #Iran, free from theocracy, misogyny, terrorism, and nuclear weapons during ...

BIDEN CHAOS: North Korea Fires Missile Into Sea as US Aircraft Carrier Arrives in Region
The Biden Administration has destroyed America's deterrence and credibility. This is the result. Remember when the heinous Left and their lapdogs in mainstream media mocked President Trump’s effective ‘peace through strength’ policies against ...

With Guns Drawn, FBI SWAT Raids Home of Christian Activist as His Screaming Children Watch
America under the illegitimate Democrat regime is UNRECOGNIZABLE.

Whatever your position on abortion, this is inhuman, unconstitutional and immoral.

Over the past few months, we have witnessed pregnancy centers firebombed, attacked and ...

Despite Lowest Ratings, Far-Leftwinger Jake Tapper Moves To Primetime Proving CNN Is Irrevocably Doomed
Back in 2013 Jeff Zucker called  Jake Tapper ‘the Face of the New CNN’ so what's changed?

Jake Tapper's “The Lead” ratings were among in the lowest in his time slot. But no matter, he is a radical left-wing ideologue – just more ...

Suspicious Fires and Accidents at Producers of Things the Left Hates Continue
All through the past year and more, suspicious fires and accidents have devastated numerous plants all over the country that produce the very things that Leftists hate: oil and gas, beef (and chicken, and all meat), and coal. Coincidence? ...

DOJ: 47 in Minnesota’s Somali Community Charged with Stealing $250M in COVID-19 Funds from Child Nutrition Program
There's an Ilhan Ilhan Omar angle and a Mecca angle (Daniel Greenfield).

The Feds staked out various Feeding Our Future meal sites and found no one at the places that were supposed to be feeding 50,000 children. According to the FBI, the money ...

Brutal Iranian Regime Will “Act Decisively” After Biggest Protests For Freedom In Years, President Says
Here comes massive bloodshed while the Biden regime funds it…… monstrous.

Instead of supporting Iran's courageous demonstrators who are fighting for their freedom, the Biden Administration is going to give Iran's murderous regime billions ...

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