Let's be honest: COVID was really hard on friendships.
We retreated into close-knit pods and stopped seeing too many relatives, neighbors, colleagues, and friends. Tragically, some even died.
Now life is beginning to feel more normal - thanks President Biden! But how do we reach out to old friends we haven't seen in years?
Here's an idea: invite them to join you in voting for Democrats in November.
Renew Old Friendships with SwipeBlue

If you're a Democrat, most of your friends are probably Democrats too.
It's only natural - we all prefer people who share our core values of kindness, fairness, justice, and love. These are the values that make us Democrats.
And with a crucial election in 50 days, we must defend our Democratic values by making sure every Democrat votes.
So why not send your Democratic friends a helpful voting text?
Renew Old Friendships with SwipeBlue

How many Democrats do you know? You can probably name 3 right away.
But according to our research, you probably know 10 ... 20 ... 50 ... even 100 Democrats. So how do you find them?
SwipeBlue finds your Democratic friends by matching your personal contact list to the official public voter file - the same file candidates use to send all their messages.
Then SwipeBlue helps you send them a friendly text to encourage them to vote. And you can personalize this text to ask them how they are - and how they got through COVID.
Renew Old Friendships with SwipeBlue
You'll be surprised to discover which of your friends are Democrats. Knowing this can help you renew and even deepen your relationships.
You'll also be surprised to discover which are Republicans - and you might want to have a few ... conversations.
Renew Old Friendships with SwipeBlue
Our text helps your friends with the basics: registering to vote, voting absentee, and knowing where to vote on Election Day.
We also help them pick the right candidates to vote for - at all levels - with our personalized #VOTEPROCHOICE Voter Guide.
That's it - just find your Democratic friends, text them to help them vote, and renew old friendships.
Renew Old Friendships with SwipeBlue
Thanks for all you do!
Bob Fertik
p.s. We have 20,225 users so far - can you help us reach 25,000?