As you consider supporting important causes at year-end, I'd like to share a few striking figures:
214 Million: the number of women in the developing world who want to avoid pregnancy but aren't using modern contraceptives.
1 in 2: the proportion of pregnancies in the U.S. every year that are unintended.
80 Million: the number of people we add to the planet every year, equal to the population of California and Canada, combined.
9.7 Billion: the median projected global population by 2050.
These are staggering figures. They paint a picture of a rapidly growing global population due, in part, to the barriers to reproductive health care access throughout the world. That’s why your help is critical to fighting for people’s reproductive health and rights in the U.S. and abroad.
And you are not alone! Through the end of the year, a group of generous donors will match your gift to Population Connection, dollar for dollar—up to $40,000.
Your gift of $25.00 today will be DOUBLED—providing a critical boost to defend reproductive health and rights in the year ahead … to educate young people about population trends and dynamics … and to make headway in our work to stabilize global population in the years to come.
Just consider what you helped to do in 2019:
You brought nearly 350 people from all over the U.S. to Washington, D.C. to advocate for increased funding for international family planning programs and an end to Trump's Global Gag Rule. Your fellow activists visited over 150 congressional offices—putting legislators on notice that family planning matters to their constituents.
People like you—our very own members—reached more than 12,000 people across the country by tabling, marching, and organizing locally around population issues.
You made sure that more than 3 million K-12 students received Population Education this year, informing these future leaders about the dangers of global population growth.
And, thanks to our matching gift sponsors, your own generous gift of $25.00 will go twice as far, up to $40,000! Together, we can further expand these vitally important programs throughout 2020.
Thank you, as ever, for your partnership and support, and warmest wishes this holiday season.

John Seager
President & CEO