Wishing Everyone a Happy and Sweet Rosh Hashanah!
Rosh Hashanah means “Head of the Year” and signifies the start of a new year for the world. Jews celebrate the opportunity to honestly reflect, repent and start anew. Rosh Hashanah commences ten days of repentance, called the Days of Awe, which culminate with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The shofar (a ram’s horn) blast begins the process for the Days of Awe during which it is believed that God judges each of us and decides who will be inscribed in the Book of Life for another year.
As Americans contemplate an election that can bring very needed change, this is a good time to pause to reflect on the last year, where we are as a nation and why it is time for change.
I wish all Americans L’Shana tova umetukah: May this year, 5783, be a happy and sweet new year for all in this wonderful country, the United States of America. And may God bless America.
In service,
Leora Levy