From Team Yang <[email protected]>
Subject We get it...
Date December 21, 2019 4:36 PM
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[ Andrew ]Andrew Yang for President

Yang Gang --

The days around the holidays are difficult for fundraising.

But while the donations slow down, the campaign is only heating up, and we
need the resources to stay on track toward our crucial end-of-year goals.

[ [link removed] ]Can you make a donation right now so we remain on pace?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation
will go through immediately:

[ [link removed] ]$10 »   [ [link removed] ]$25 »

[ [link removed] ]$50 »   [ [link removed] ]$100»

[ [link removed] ]$250 »   [ [link removed] ]OTHER »

As usual, the holidays just so happen to coincide with our end-of-quarter
filing deadline. We’ve been solidly in the top five for months now, but if
we can release an eye-popping fundraising report in January, our campaign
will become the center of attention.

That’s where you come in, Yang Gang. You’ve been the backbone of our
campaign all year long. We have the highest proportion of small-dollar
donors of any candidate running. That means without your support, this
campaign grinds to a halt.

We can’t let anything slow us down. Especially not with our FEC deadline
in just 10 days.

Donate now: [ [link removed] ][link removed]

Thanks for everything you do,

Team Yang

We don't have corporate PACs or big donors who can
close the fundraising gap we face, just grassroots
donors like you powering this campaign. Please give

[ [link removed] ]Contribute

Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang

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