These monkeys need you, Taxpayer. Will you step up?

Taxpayer, have you ever had Ebola? What about Crimean-Congo fever?
They’re known as hemorrhagic viruses.
First, you get chills and a fever. Then, you bleed internally. Finally, a blood vessel ruptures. You lose uncontrolled amounts of blood…from every single orifice in your body.
It may just be the worst way to die, Taxpayer.
In just a few days, NIH white coats under DR. ANTHONY FAUCI may ram through a NEW ROUND of tax money for lethal hemorrhagic virus experiments on monkeys. Please help!

I know. It looks like the works of a mad scientist in a bad horror movie.
But Taxpayer, it’s 100% real. It’s your government. It’s confirmed by our investigators.
And unless we stop Fauci payout #1ZIAAI001089 before the deadline, here’s what’s going to happen to a fresh batch of monkeys.
- Fauci Funds It: he’s not outsourcing it to Tunisia or Wuhan this time. Fauci funds it “in-house”— his own NIH lab!
- Here’s Where Fauci’s Victims Come From: NIH white coats capture monkeys from a South Carolina island and ship them to animal testing labs. Imagine their awful lives.
- Death is Slow, Prolonged, and Agonizing: organ failure and shock occur well before the primates bleed out in a government basement.
Hard Government Deadline: September 30th is the NIH’s reporting date for the renewal of payout #1ZIAAI001089. Will you chip in to our new rapid response campaign to help stop it?

Let’s be clear about something: Fauci isn’t following the science. He’s following the money!
Fauci has already wasted over $31 MILLION on the nastiest government virus experiments I’ve ever seen. Now, his greedy white coats are lining up for even more of your cash.
That’s why our new rapid response campaign couldn’t be more urgent.
You see, if we don’t stop payout #1ZIAAI001089 before the deadline, these monkey experiments will be on the government’s payroll long after Fauci retires.

Taxpayer, the most effective way to end a government lab is to cut wasteful spending before the experiments begin.
We say that with confidence. The White Coat Waste Project is the ONLY group to actually shut down monkey labs in over a half decade!
- Ended the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) $7 million Angel Dust lab in Minneapolis.
- Stopped the VA’s $9 million monkey crippling lab in West Haven.
- Annihilated the FDA’s $5.5 million baby monkey nicotine addiction lab.
Our strategy is effective: Stop the MONEY. Stop the MADNESS!
Taxpayer, with your help, we will do it again to Fauci’s NIH. But it’s got to be right now.
So please rush a generous gift to help us cover our new rapid response campaign to help block payout #1ZIAAI001089, defund NIH monkey labs, and save the survivors.
Let’s do this,

Justin Goodman
Sr. Vice President
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. Taxpayer, HARD GOVERNMENT DEADLINE: If Fauci rams through payout #1ZIAAI001089 on September 30th, these hemorrhagic torture experiments will be on your tax bill for years to come. Deny him! This is the best opportunity we’ll have to help stop Fauci and defund NIH monkey abuse. But to get the job done, we must fund a full-scale rapid response campaign and cover our end-of-quarter budget. Please rush an emergency donation of as much as you can afford. – Thanks, Justin
Stop the MONEY.
Stop the MADNESS!