John is thinking even more deeply and ambitiously about this issue than most. Permanently securing our elections from the kind of interference we saw in 2016 MUST become a national priority.
Hickenlooper 2020 |

Friend—a lot of people are still talking about Robert Mueller’s testimony. And it’s true that his answers shed light on extremely serious, ongoing threats to our democracy.

But John is committed to doing more. Permanently securing our elections from the kind of interference we saw in 2016 must become a national priority.

Learn more now by reading John’s op-ed on the essential steps we need to take to improve our nation’s cybersecurity.

As Governor, John wasted no time opening the National Cybersecurity Center in Colorado Springs to respond to cyber threats in his home state. As President, he’ll unite our national security and intelligence agencies to bring a similar rigor—across local, state, and federal levels—to handling threats to our election integrity, businesses, and critical infrastructure systems in the future.

Once you’ve read John’s thoughts, chip in to help bring these plans closer to reality.

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Thank you,

Shepard Nevel
Senior Policy Advisor
Team Hickenlooper


Paid for by Hickenlooper 2020

PO Box 6377, Denver, CO 80206

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