John, I’m going to pull back the curtain a bit, because this is a make-or-break moment for our campaign.

September 30th marks our final FEC fundraising deadline before ballots are counted. After this deadline hits, our numbers will go public, and everyone will be watching closely to gauge our strength.

Election forecasters all consider CA-45 to be among the Democrats' best (and very few) pickup opportunities in the country. That means the outcome here could literally determine which party has House control.

It’s simple: A strong fundraising report means a chance at flipping this seat and stopping the far-right takeover in Congress. Falling short could mean handing the keys of Congress to Kevin McCarthy and Michelle Steel.

I hate being so blunt, but these are the stakes we face, and since I’m relying on individual donations, you’re an integral part of our success:

Before our FEC deadline hits, I’m humbly asking you to chip in your first donation of $15, $35, or even $50 to help us defeat Michelle Steel and flip this seat from red to blue.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Michelle Steel may be comfortable accepting cash from extreme special interest groups, but that’s not the type of campaign we are running. We’re counting on grassroots contributions from folks like you.

I hope to see your name on our list of donors before this deadline hits.

