

During Thursday's Democratic presidential debate, we saw exactly why we must not only re-elect President Trump but send strong conservative leaders to Congress. 


Each of the candidates supported a government takeover of healthcare, open borders, reckless federal spending, and a complete reversal of President Trump’s successful economic agenda. 


The Democratic candidates for president also refused to denounce Nancy Pelosi’s sham impeachment process that is further dividing our country. We need leaders in Washington D.C. to stand up to the liberal establishment, not join alongside them. 


With open support for socialist policies and partisan games, America deserves better than what the Democratic party currently has to offer. 


I’m running for Congress to stand beside President Trump and help him secure our border, grow the economy, and support our working class. But, in order to be a reliable ally in Congress, I’m going to need your help. 




Can I count on you to support our campaign and chip in $10, 15 or even more today? Every dollar donated helped us bypass the mainstream media and deliver our message straight to our friends and neighbors across Texas’ 12th congressional district.


Thank you for your support to Keep America Great.


- Chris 



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