90,000 volunteers have signed up for voter contact shifts to reach millions of voters wherever they are across Texas.

Beto O'Rourke


The challenges we face today are the greatest in living memory. Historic attacks on the right to vote, on a woman’s right to choose, and on our children’s right to be free of gun violence will either destroy this great state or be overcome by the resolve and power of the people of Texas.

Greg Abbott has prioritized extreme fringe policies instead of expanding health care, fixing the grid, or improving public education. He signed the nation’s most extreme abortion bill into law with no exception for rape or incest. And he refuses to lift a finger to reduce gun violence after six major mass shootings have occurred on his watch.

Despite all of that — or maybe because of all of that — Texans are standing up to be counted in the fight for a far better Texas. It’s inspiring how the people of this great state are choosing to meet the moment. Already, 90,000 volunteers have signed up for voter contact shifts to reach millions of voters wherever they are across Texas. And we have taken this campaign to literally every part of the state — showing up for everyone and writing no one off.

But we face a real challenge in overcoming the millions of dollars that Greg Abbott was able to raise from special interests before we ever entered the race. He’ll use that to lie to voters about my record and try to keep them from turning out. And there’s a chance he’ll succeed if we don’t have the resources to fight back.

So I need your help, John, to make sure we can hire more organizers, open new field offices, run ads, and ultimately reach all of the voters who will decide this election. Will you split a $10 contribution between Cory’s campaign to defend the Senate majority and our campaign to defeat Greg Abbott?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation to Beto O’Rourke and Cory Booker will go through immediately:

We have less than two months to win this election, and we need everyone to give everything they’ve got. I will continue to relentlessly travel this state, meet with as many voters as physically possible — but I also need the resources to overcome Abbott’s money advantage if we’re going to win.

Now is the time to focus everything we have on overcoming and winning. It’s never been more important or urgent.

Let’s do this.