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Dear John

In her first announcement as the new Prime Minister, Liz Truss reversed the moratorium on fracking.

Fracking is bad for the countryside, local communities and the environment. The good news? You helped us defeated fracking before, and we can do it again - scroll down to find out more.

This week, the nation paid tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth II. As our Royal Patron for 70 years, we are enormously grateful for her commitment to our charity.

As a mark of respect for her passing, National Hedgerow Week has been postponed and will now take place from 10-17 October. Read on to find out how you can get involved.

It's vital that the cost of living crisis and escalating energy emergency are top of the list of the government's priorities. We've joined the ‘Warm This Winter’ coalition calling for urgent action from the government, otherwise millions - particularly in rural areas - will be unable to pay their bills and heat their homes.

Along with a change of our nation's leadership, it's also time for a change of season. We hope you’ll find plenty of time to enjoy your local countryside or green space as we approach autumn - read on for nature to look out for this month and beyond.

Lifting the ban on fracking a hideous mistake, we say


Fracking won't do anything to bring down energy bills. But it will have a devastating impact on the climate and toxic effects on rural communities. Despite this, the government has decided to disregard the evidence and lift the ban on fracking - an act that threatens to industrialise the countryside we all know and love. We're currently working on a campaign action to end fracking once and for all, which we'll share in the coming days. Watch this space!

National Hedgerow Week (10-17 October)


As part of this year’s National Hedgerow Week (10-17 October), we’ll be handing in our petition calling for a 40% increase in hedgerows by 2050. A huge thank you to everyone who has helped us surpass 40,000 signatures! If you haven’t signed the petition yet, you can sign it here. We'll be in touch again soon with more hedgerow-related content so do keep an eye on your inbox!

Exploring hedgerow wildlife in summer and autumn


The theme for this year's National Hedgerow Week is hedgerows as a home for nature. As summer meets autumn, hedgerows are a hive of activity as all kinds of wildlife prepare for the cooler months. Why not explore the hedgerows in your local countryside and use our guide to see what wildlife to look out for? Nature-spotting is loads of fun, whether alone or with friends or family.

A countryside walk in September


Daylight hours are decreasing, landscapes are changing, and deciduous plants and trees are beginning to lose their leaves. Why not take some time to stop and appreciate the autumn colours, hedgerow fruits, and busy mammals preparing for the winter? Autumn may be upon us, but there’s still plenty to see in our countryside and green spaces!

Keeping warm this winter


PM Liz Truss has announced an energy price guarantee that would cap average energy bills at £2,500 over the next two years. While we welcome this much-needed protection for households, we know that rural communities are acutely vulnerable to soaring energy bills. Many using heating oil are not covered by the price cap and must be included in this winter’s support package. That’s why we’re part of the ‘Warm This Winter’ coalition campaigning for government action to help people with fuel costs and energy bills. Find out more and join the call below!

Discover the countryside with a CPRE membership


Did you know CPRE members get discounted entry to almost 100 houses, gardens and other attractions across England? Why not join as a member today and explore even more of our beautiful countryside! Choose from an individual membership or one for the whole family with a household membership.

Best wishes,


Cat Rowland

Digital Engagement Officer

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

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