Right now, we're figuring out the investments our campaign can make in the year ahead. There's one number that truly makes it much easier to plan: The number of folks who've committed to automatic mon

Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

The end of 2019 is just around the corner, but we're not waiting for January to prepare for the next election.

So much is on the line in 2020, and with your help, we can not only keep Chris in the Senate fighting for our values, but also take back a Democratic majority.

Right now, we're figuring out the investments our campaign can make in the year ahead. There's one number that truly makes it much easier to plan: The number of folks who've committed to automatic monthly contributions.

If you're already thinking that you'll want to contribute again in the coming weeks or months, will you decide today to become a monthly grassroots donor through November 2020?

Maybe you like to chip in when you see Chris bringing innovative solutions to big challenges like climate change, the opioid crisis, and the soaring costs of prescription drugs.

Well, he's got plenty more common-sense solutions where those came from — and your monthly contribution will help keep them coming, and make sure his voice is front and center in the Senate.

Maybe you like to chip in right before a major fundraising deadline, or when we ask you to sign a petition to hold this administration accountable.

Well, your monthly contribution would make sure this team is in great shape to hit our daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals.

If a recurring monthly contribution makes sense for your budget, here's the link to set up that process. Even a small donation each month really adds up: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/coons-dec-eoy-recurr?&[email protected]&recurring=1

Thanks for being one of Chris' best supporters,

Amie Kershner
Chris Coons for Delaware


Chris Coons is committed to standing up to the forces that divide us, ending the turmoil in Washington, and solving the issues that matter most to our nation — but he needs your help. Will you make a contribution today?

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Paid for by Chris Coons for Delaware