The Pima County Superior Court just ruled to uphold a draconian 1901 law that allows a total abortion ban to take effect in Arizona.

Elect Katie Hobbs

John, the Pima County Superior Court just ruled to uphold a draconian 1901 law that allows a total abortion ban to take effect in Arizona. I am outraged and devastated by this decision – and we have to fight back.

This cruel law effectively outlaws abortion in Arizona — with no exceptions for rape or incest — and ends women’s fundamental freedom to make our own health care decisions. As a social worker, I’ve seen first-hand how restricting women’s autonomy and creating barriers to reproductive health care hurts women’s physical and mental wellbeing, and I’m terrified of the consequences this bill will have on Arizona women and families.

To make matters worse, this law mandates jail time for abortion providers. Medical professionals will now be forced to think twice and call their lawyer before providing patients with oftentimes necessary, lifesaving care.

Make no mistake: this outcome is the product of a decades-long attack on reproductive freedom. And Kari Lake’s full-throated support of this dangerous law shows how far she is willing to go to take away Arizonans’ freedoms and put our health on the line.

Winning this race is now more important than ever so we can fight back against these cruel attacks on abortion and women’s freedom. Please, will you rush a donation right away to help me win in November and restore our fundamental rights?


We cannot allow Lake and her fellow anti-choice legislators continue this war on Arizona women and families — the majority of whom support access to safe, legal abortion. As Arizona’s next governor, I will do everything in my power to protect the right to choose — starting by using my veto pen to block any legislation that compromises that right.

Like thousands of people across Arizona, I am mourning today’s decision. However, I know that it is important to channel this outrage into fighting for reproductive justice and voting for candidates this election who will protect abortion rights.

Thank you for reading and for pitching in,