The senator is circulating a "dear colleague" letter arguing that it's time for lawmakers "to tell the fossil fuel industry that their short-term profits are not more important than the future of our planet."
"The urgency of the climate crisis cannot be understated, particularly here in Africa, which is the region most vulnerable to climate impacts," said one campaigner.
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Because of key decisions by the court equating money with free speech, our political system is now overrun with grifters, con artists, and career criminals.
To fix its broken welfare system, the U.S. must move away from its fixation on fraud, exclusions by design, and the stigmatization of people in poverty.
Every discussion about energy should begin or end with a reminder that building a global industrial economy on the basis of ever-increasing rates of extracting and burning finite fossil fuel resources, with polluting byproducts, was and is utterly insane.