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DUP News Update   -   26th July 2019
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Party congratulates new Prime Minister

DUP Leader Arlene Foster pictured with new Prime Minister Boris Johnson during a visit to Stormont earlier in July.
Party representatives have congratulated new Prime Minister Boris Johnson. DUP Leader Arlene Foster MLA spoke with Mr Johnson following his election as Conservative Party Leader.

She said "We discussed our shared objectives of strengthening every part of the Union, ensuring the 2016 referendum result is implemented and seeing devolution restored in Northern Ireland.

The Confidence & Supply Agreement between the Conservative Party and the Democratic Unionist Party remains.  That Agreement included a review between each Parliamentary session.  This will take place over the coming weeks and will explore the policy priorities of both parties for the next Parliamentary session.

I also look forward to welcoming Mr Johnson back to Northern Ireland shortly after becomes Prime Minister."

Deputy Leader Nigel Dodds MP spoke in the House of Commons following the Prime Minister's first statement to MPs.

He said "We welcome the fresh optimism and positivity coming from the new Prime Minister.
Already we have been able to have constructive conversations with the new Prime Minister and look forward to continuing these to ensure that the shared vision we have as unionist parties means we have a Conservative and Unionist Government in place rather than the alternative of a Corbyn government.
Both Boris Johnson and the DUP share the vision that the Union must be strengthened, that Brexit must be delivered and that Stormont must be restored as quickly as possible knowing the DUP would set it up tomorrow but that Sinn Fein continue its policy of delay and boycott.”
Nigel Dodds speaking in the House of Commons

Welcome for clarity on victims pension

South Belfast MP Emma Little Pengelly secured clarity from the government on the eligibility criteria for a victims pension
DUP MP Emma Little Pengelly has welcomed the clear statement from the UK Government that victim-makers will be excluded from receiving a pension for severely injured victims.

The South Belfast MP secured an Urgent Question in the House of Commons this week on the matter.

Speaking afterwards she said, “The current legal definition which equates victim-makers with their innocent victims is a moral corruption at the heart of victims issues in Northern Ireland. It is again in the spotlight in relation to progress on the much-needed special pension for those severely injured during the Troubles. 

It is an issue that causes a great deal of hurt amongst victims, demonstrated most clearly through the members of 14 separate victims organisations stating they cannot have confidence in the Victims Commissioner if she pursues the payment of a victims pension which would include perpetrators.

I am pleased that this Urgent Question was brought to the floor of the House of Commons, because it allowed the Government to give a clear reassurance to victims:

“It remains the government’s position that whilst it right and proper to provide a pension for victims of troubles related terrorist related incidents, this should not become a pension for terrorists. There is no moral equivalence between a bystander badly injured in a terrorist explosion through no fault of their own, and the people who manufactured the bomb, placed the bomb, and detonated the bomb.”

I have no doubt that those words will be warmly welcomed by victims. Indeed, there was also support on excluding perpetrators even from those who do not support a change to the definition of a victim as defined in the 2006 Order. I believe that definition does require change, but on the pension issue, it should now proceed along the lines so clearly outlined by the Minister today.

Those who suffered so grievously during the Troubles are getting older and their needs continue and grow. It is vital that we should have a victim-centred process, and a pension which is focused on those innocent victims should be a key part of that process.”

New Secretary of State urged to act on historical abuse

DUP representatives in Londonderry today
DUP Leader Arlene Foster MLA has urged the Secretary of State Julian Smith to ensure that legislation to implement the HIA inquiry recommendations is progressed.

She said, “I welcome Julian Smith into a role which has a considerable workload and many outstanding issues that I hope he will be able to make progress on. I am glad that he is getting down to work straight away and will meet all the local parties. I hope the Secretary of State shares my desire to see devolution restored and that progress can be made in the talks. Our schools and hospitals need key decisions to be taken and it is the people of Northern Ireland who have suffered as a result of the decision to collapse devolution over two years ago.

One of the most urgent outstanding issues awaiting the new Secretary of State is to ensure that victims of historical abuse can finally see the recommendations of Sir Anthony Hart’s report implemented. This is an issue where there is strong cross-community support and we urged his predecessor to ensure the legislation was brought forward. I hope that Julian Smith can make this the first area where can deliver for the people of Northern Ireland.”

East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell and Foyle MLA Gary Middleton welcomed the Secretary of State to Londonderry during his first visit to the city today.

Speaking afterwards Mr Middleton said, 
“When we heard this morning that Mr Smith was coming to the City, we sought to welcome him on his first visit to Londonderry. 
I’m delighted that he came to the City and we were able to have a brief conversation which will be followed up by a meeting at another stage. 
The Sinn Fein approach to this visit was embarrassing and shows that SF is leaderless and in free fall. Whilst neither the Sinn Fein Council Mayor nor local MP met Julian Smith, other SF representatives joined a protest outside the Guildhall. 
The republican elected representatives were not on site to speak up on important matters about developing the north-west but the DUP was.  
Whilst SF boycott Stormont and Westminster, it was the DUP who was instrumental in delivering the City Deal for Londonderry.  
Sinn Fein have shown that they are a party of protest. Indeed when Theresa May visited Belfast last summer, Sinn Fein engaged in a protest outside the Waterfront.  A year later, not much has changed. 
Leadership takes courage. Today would have been a good place to start, rather than shouting from the side-lines.”

Strengthen the Union, deliver Brexit and restore devolution

Nigel Dodds MP speaking to BBC breakfast earlier this week

Following Boris Johnson's appointment as Prime Minister, Party Deputy Leader Nigel Dodds MP outlined the DUP's priorities for the second phase of the Confidence and Supply Agreement.

He was speaking on BBC Breakfast he said

"We have negotiated the substance of the Confidence and Supply but we do need to refresh it and renew it. We have a new Prime Minister, he has new Cabinet Ministers. It is effectively a new government.

Let me give you the priorities, strengthen the Union, get Brexit delivered and get devolution restored in Northern Ireland."

East Londonderry MP responded to Sinn Fein criticism of the Confidence and Supply Agreement saying,

"I’m proud to stand over the delivery which our Confidence and Supply Agreement has brought to everyone in Northern Ireland. 
Our record compares favourably when set alongside the chaos of SF’s boycott of devolution and refusal to appoint Ministers because it has set a narrow political wish list as a precondition on any Executive being formed.

Michelle O’Neill and her colleagues should stop moving the goal posts, recognise they are the blockage to devolution and engage in a constructive manner so that Ministers can be appointed and decisions about our roads, schools and hospitals can be made.

For our part, we have always been ready to go appoint and Executive without preconditions.”
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  • Annual Party Conference - 25th & 26th October - Crowne Plaza Hotel, Shaws Bridge Belfast.

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