September 23, 2022
Dear Neighbor,
Since 1778, the United States has signed more than 370 treaties with Native American tribes — and we’ve broken or violated almost every one since. Our country’s history is full of injustice shown toward Native American peoples. I believe we have a responsibility to play a part in righting these historic wrongs.
173 years ago, the federal government illegally sold the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation’s land in DeKalb County, leaving the Tribe without a home. Nearly 200 years later, despite their efforts, the Tribe has never regained their land or received compensation for the government’s illegal sale.
That’s why Representative Chuy García and I introduced the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Shab-eh-nay Band Reservation Settlement Act, an important bipartisan bill that would help the Prairie Band receive the land that they’ve been denied. It would confirm the Tribe’s ownership of the 130 acres they purchased 15 years ago, and provide funds for them to purchase up to 1,150 acres on or near the original reservation when it becomes available for sale. This would help the Tribe reclaim the full 1,280 acres of land that were stolen from them.
This legislation has support from community members, as well as local and state legislators. Last week, I welcomed Chairman Joseph Rupnick and members of the Tribal Council to D.C. to celebrate the progress the bill is making — my legislation was included in a Committee on Natural Resources hearing!
Please watch the video below to learn more about the bill and listen to Chairman Rupnick’s powerful testimony:
Click to watch! |
The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation has a home here in Illinois that the government illegally took from them — and they deserve to be recognized and made whole. My legislation is the first step toward righting this wrong.