America First Legal Releases New & Improved Website
WASHINGTON, D.C. - America First Legal (AFL) is excited to announce the launch of our new and improved website, designed to facilitate site searches and be a greater source of compelling information and resources for our viewers.
With these added search capabilities, our viewers are able to explore the AFL website with ease. The site’s “action” tab organizes many areas of legal work, including AFL federal oversight, exposing and holding the Biden Administration accountable for its unlawful actions spanning the many agencies of the federal government. AFL federal and state court actions are also now easily accessible and searchable, and the site permits our viewers to explore AFL oversight and court actions by subject matter, such as Critical Race Theory, Immigration, First Amendment, DOJ politicization, and more. Coverage of AFL in the news is also easily searchable by subject matter.
Our improved “resources” tab links to helpful guides, such as the “AFL Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment: A Toolkit For Parents” and our “AFL Parental Rights Demand Letter Template,” a powerful tool for parents to put schools on notice that parents are exercising their rights to parent their children. AFL encourages parents across the country to take advantage of these valuable resources and to share them with friends and family.
AFL is also leading the legal war against the pernicious anti-American ideology that has consumed Big Business, Big Government, and Big Education as AFL stands with any victim of “wokeism,” “equity,” or discriminatory treatment. Our updated AFL Center For Legal Equality webpage encourages people to contact AFL on our digital hotline and share their story.
As always, AFL encourages our readers to stay informed and get updates about the legal battles we are waging across the country by signing up for our emails on the “join” page. We welcome all patriots, their friends, and family to sign up today!
AFL appreciates the financial support for our legal crusade as we continue our fight against the woke and illegal actions of the Biden Administration and private institutions. We encourage tax deductible donations today on our “donate” page.
We invite you to visit our new website now. We will be making additional improvements in the weeks and months ahead to ensure that our website will serve as both a source of the latest news and information, and also provide resources to protect you and your family from unlawful activity in the public and private sectors.
Follow us on social media to get the latest updates on all the battles by America First Legal undertakes to protect your constitutional rights!
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To schedule an engagement with America First Legal, please email [email protected].
Read more about AFL’s work here.
Join AFL in the legal fight against the Biden Administration’s assault on our country. Donate today.