
September 23, 2022

FACT CHECK: 'There Is No Such Thing as a Heartbeat at 6 Weeks,' Says Stacey Abrams
by Ben Johnson
Stacey Abrams, the Democratic candidate for governor of Georgia, denied that unborn children have a heartbeat at six weeks and that the ultrasound is part of a grand conspiracy to give men control over women's bodies - statements that run contrary to well-established facts and medical standards of fetal development.
As Recruitment Plummets, Biden's Military Brass Double Down on Wokeness
by Dan Hart
The military is struggling mightily to meet their recruitment goals. In August, reports came in that the Army had only "recruited about 52% of its goal for fiscal year 2022 and is likely to wind up short by as many as 15,000 recruits." Significant shortages in personnel are also being reported by the Air Force and Navy. Meanwhile, Biden's military leaders continue to flounder in woke ideologies that are being pushed on servicemembers.
Politicizing College Football: UMass Trolls Liberty with 'Pride Day'
by Marjorie Jackson
College football season is back - and so is the politicization of a fall pastime that used to unite Americans across the aisle. This year's game day rivalries on the University of Massachusetts's home field consist of a little more than fans with opposing school spirit. With plans to host the Liberty University Flames on their territory for their October 8 home game, UMass announced that the game day will also be "Pride Day."
DeSantis and Rubio Pave the Way for Pro-Family Tax Policy
by Joy Stockbauer and Connor Semelsberger
On Tuesday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) announced a proposed tax relief package that would provide $1.1 billion in tax relief to Florida families, including provisions to make necessary baby items like diapers, cribs, and strollers permanently tax exempt. Due to a record budget surplus, DeSantis is seeking to "allow families to purchase items for their children at a lower cost and help families keep more money in their pockets."
Is It UnChristian to Send Migrants to Chicago and Martha's Vineyard?
by Joseph Backholm
PA March for Life Recap: Pro-Lifers Far Outnumbered Abortion Protestors
by Joy Stockbauer
Biden Admin 'Abdicated Its Duty' to Investigate Violence Against Pro-Life PRCs: 28 Congressmen
by Ben Johnson
Why Is One Southeast Asian Military Attacking Schoolchildren?
by Arielle Del Turco


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