The Left Tries to Nullify Sheriff Joe's Pardon
Larry Klayman wallops those hoping to harm his client and himself
By Larry Klayman
December 20, 2019
Sheriff Joe Arpaio appeared recently on my syndicated radio show, "Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman," and ripped House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler for his attempting to intervene in an appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit where "America's Toughest Sheriff" is seeking to have his unjustified misdemeanor contempt finding vacated, given the pardon President Trump correctly issued on his behalf.
Sticking his despicable nose where it does not belong, in an attempt not just to harm my friend and client Sheriff Arpaio but also bloody President Trump, as he has with the impeachment proceedings, by arguing, along with other Democratic legislators, that the pardon should be nullified and implying that Arpaio should thus be sentenced to jail, I was forced to ask the 9th Circuit to sanction Nadler and his comrades.
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