![]() Dear Friend, It has been an historic week. Thank you to all who joined our call demanding that the U.S. Congress protect our elections and our democracy by holding President Trump accountable for his abuse of power and his undeniable obstruction of the congressional investigation. Read our press release on impeachment here. As the holiday season kicks into full gear we also want to take a moment to thank you for all you have done this year to speak out for parents, families, our democracy, and more. Moments like these are important ones to look back at all we've done, and hopefully rest and recharge a bit for the new year to come. We're sharing our final list of top actions for the year below. Please scroll down and be sure you've added your name to all. Once you do, share this list with family and friends. Thank you, happy holidays, happy new year, and we will see you in 2020! =>
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now BACKGROUND: The Trump Administration's Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) released a proposed rule that would make it legal for HHS-funded agencies and programs to discriminate against women, religious minorities, nonreligious people, and LGBTQ+ people. It’s critical that we all take a minute to reject this proposed rule because it’s just that – a proposal – that we can defeat if we all urge HHS to renounce it. ADD YOUR NAME >>> Oppose the proposed rule that would create a license to discriminate using taxpayer funds!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now BACKGROUND: With about half the births in the United States currently covered by Medicaid, expanding Medicaid is a key part of the solution to our nation’s maternal health crisis. The Helping Medicaid Offer Maternity Services Act of 2019 (H.R.4996), aka the Helping MOMS Act, would incentivize state-level Medicaid extension to the entire postpartum period and invest in maternal-specific public health. Currently, the majority of pregnancy-related deaths in America happen after the day of delivery, and nearly one-quarter of deaths happen more than six weeks postpartum. Sign on now to tell your members of Congress to support the Helping Medicaid Offer Maternity Services Act of 2019 (H.R.4996)! 3. KEEP RISING: It’s a Year End Match!
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED -> Donate Now BACKGROUND: Make a contribution today that will mobilize moms to engage in our democracy and vote, stand strong against hate, and continue making the world a better, safer, more just place for ALL moms and families. Contribute BY DEC. 31 and a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your gift! ✔ Your contribution matched
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now BACKGROUND: The struggle is real when it comes to finding high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for our little ones. Childcare and pre-K costs are sky high—in fact, in 30 states and the District of Columbia, infant care costs exceed the average cost of college tuition. Approximately half of American families live in a “childcare desert,” meaning they can’t access the quality childcare they need. And early learning providers, 94% of whom are women, are struggling significantly since childcare is one of the lowest paying industries in the United States. We need real solutions to this national crisis, which is why we are asking leaders to stand up for our littlest learners, working families, child care providers, and our economy by supporting the Child Care for Working Families Act. Add your name now.
Your Action Status: NOT YET SHARED -> Share Your Story BACKGROUND: We will not stand by while President Trump attempts to take food stamps away from struggling families in order to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations. Personal stories are powerful and make a huge difference in helping members of Congress understand why nutrition programs are important to so many Americans. Please tell us how SNAP has helped you. After you share your story with us, we’ll share your thoughts and experiences with key decision-makers. Thanks for all you do, and our very best wishes to you this holiday season. We will see you in the new year! - Sue Anne, Karen, Donna, Anita and the rest of the MomsRising / MamásConPoder Team
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