When an Unto® local team shared water filters with community officials in a country closed to the message of Jesus, they said:

“We realized that when our people work with Christians like you, we are blessed. If you have any project, please come and help our community.”

In countries that are closed to the message of Jesus, providing water filters and other humanitarian aid is often the only reason why ministry is allowed to continue. By meeting physical needs, people experience the kindness of Jesus and are open to hearing about His eternal hope.

We have received encouraging stories such as this one from our local staff members after distributing water filters to people in their communities:

The local church invited people in the community to a water filter training. In this area the water is very dirty. This allowed the church to gain access to people and build relationships with them. After the distribution of the water filters and the training, they now have good relationships with the people and can continue to share the eternal hope of Jesus with them. — Staff member, Closed Country in Southeast Asia

Our in-country teams personally distribute each water filter supplied by people like you. At every distribution, they train recipients on how to use, clean, and preserve the filters. At the right time, they also share about Jesus.

You can join others in providing water filters to people who do not have access to clean water and open opportunities for them to hear about the eternal hope of Jesus!

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