Britain’s new prime minister has taken an axe to the cabinet, then the Commons and finally the kleptocrats in Brussels. Bravo!
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Dear Supporter,
Last week, 5.2 million voters delivered a devastating blow to the political establishment at the European elections by backing the Brexit Party, who won 29 seats ([link removed][UNIQID]) . No party won more seats in the entire continent.
A by-election will be held next Thursday in Peterborough, which voted 61% in favour of Leave at the referendum.
We’re encouraging Leave.EU supporters to make their way over this weekend and offer their support.
We need to send a message to Westminster that the Brexit Party can break through and take parliamentary seats from the main parties and create another political earthquake.
Share a car with a few friends and meet at Brexit Party HQ in Peterborough at 10.00am this Saturday. This by-election is the big one and they need you!
Click here ([link removed][UNIQID]) to find out more.
Brexit Party Office Peterborough:
Trinity Court, Trinity Street, Peterborough, PE1 1PR
Open from: 8:30 am
At the European elections, the Brexit Party won almost twice as many seats as the second-placed Lib Dems – 31.6% of the popular vote. The electoral map says it all: England and Wales are painted in Brexit Blue (see below). A majority of voters in almost every council south of the border voted for Britain to leave the EU on WTO terms.
On Sunday, the Brexit Party received double the number of votes as Labour ([link removed][UNIQID]) in Peterborough.
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“If Britain does not leave the EU on October 31st, these results will be repeated at a General Election. History has been made. This is just the beginning,” tweeted ([link removed][UNIQID]) Nigel on Sunday night.
Indeed it is, and there are opportunities to help fuel the extraordinary momentum that’s been building over the last couple of months.
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For evidence of popular demand to drain the Westminster swamp, look no further than the success of our deselection campaign.
Philip Lee is next in the dock with his association members this Saturday. He says he won’t attend. He knows what the local members think.
Enough signatures have been collected to launch a no-confidence motion against Cabinet minister David Gauke, in South West Hertfordshire. The date of the local association's special general meeting has yet to be set.
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The likes of Anna Soubry are political toast. Her embarrassing new party, Change UK isn't even fielding a candidate in Peterborough.
We know that Anna Soubry, Heidi Allen and Sarah Wollaston left to join the Independent Group, a case of jumping before their local associations pushed them. They all cited the Leave.EU campaign as the reason.
Dominic Grieve lost his local deselection vote and we understand, despite support from CCHQ, the local members are pushing for his removal.
Our position is clear: these are MPs who stood on a Conservative manifesto of leaving the EU, the Customs Union and Single Market and they should honour their promises.
Priti Patel MP recently said ([link removed][UNIQID]) that the Conservative Party needs to be “Conservative again” and we agree. Take the time to follow her on Twitter ([link removed][UNIQID]) and send a message of encouragement to
[email protected] (mailto:
[email protected]) , one of a few principled MPs who voted down Mrs May’s surrender treaty. Let’s hope she stands for the Tory leadership.
Help to ensure our movement applies extreme pressure on the Tories after the historic victory for the Brexit Party at the European elections.
DONATE NOW ([link removed][UNIQID])
A year ago, Leave.EU recruited over 25,000 new members to the Tories to make the party Conservative Again. Many Leave.EU members joined up to have a vote in the upcoming leadership election. We will be making sure your collective power is felt by the candidates.
Leave.EU’s social media output is the second biggest of its kind in Europe. Our Facebook page receives more engagement (3.1m last week) than any political organisation or politician in the country. That platform was used to massively boost the Brexit Party's fledgling Social Media campaign and we hope you all get out over the weekend and help them on the ground in Peterborough!
Leave.EU is funded by its members and we rely on your generous support to run one of the most successful campaigns in the country!
Kind regards,
Arron Banks, Leave.EU Chairman
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