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This is urgent: 

General Bolduc personally asked us to email you.

Yesterday, he invited you to his town hall event with Nikki Haley, but as he was reviewing the list of registrants, he noticed YOUR NAME was missing!

Did he get that right, Patriot? Our momentum coming out of the primary is strong, but we need it even stronger now that there's only less than 50 DAYS until Election Day.

So what are you waiting for? Show Don you're ALL IN and RSVP for the town hall today. 

Take action IMMEDIATELY and RSVP now for General Don Bolduc and Ambassador Nikki Haley's Town Hall Event happening TODAY at 3:30PM in Hollis. >>


For nearly six years, Senator Maggie Hassan has failed each and every one of us, choosing to side with the reckless and radical policies of Joe Biden and the Democrats instead of putting the needs of New Hampshire and America first.

With General Don Bolduc in the U.S. Senate, you can guarantee he will fight for you and bring change to New Hampshire. 

Thank you, 

Team Bolduc

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