
Growing up in Elmhurst, Illinois, Daisy Strongin struggled with uncomfortable feelings about her gender from a young age. As a teenager, she thought there were “real trans people,” and “fake trans people.” She was one of the “real ones.” 

At 18, Daisy started taking testosterone that she obtained through an LGBTQ+ clinic in downtown Chicago. Two years later, she had “top surgery” — medically known as a double mastectomy. 

At the time, Daisy wasn’t concerned about the health repercussions, such as never being able to breastfeed or sterilizing herself. But one year after removing her breasts, Daisy realized it was all a mistake. 
“If you told me two years ago that in 2022 you would be married and pregnant, I wouldn't believe you. My parents told me that I would change a lot, but I just could not conceptualize it.”
Watch Daisy’s Story
That’s partly because the physician assistant who prescribed Daisy testosterone focused more on the aesthetic changes that she would experience, rather than the potential risks. Risks including heart disease, mood swings, a permanently deeper voice, and infertility. 

When she decided to stop testosterone and transition back to living as a woman, Daisy wasn’t sure how her life would end up. She no longer had breasts, her voice was permanently deepened, and she still grew facial hair.

She wasn’t sure if she could ever be loved. 
“I was really thinking, ‘I might have just put my future happiness in jeopardy and really jeopardized the possibility of me ever having a family,’ which is really what I've always wanted.”
Watch Daisy’s Story
Now 24, married and pregnant, she describes her situation “the best-case scenario.” And she’s warning other women of the risk of falling into the gender ideology trap. 

Friend, please share this with your friends and loved ones to spread awareness about the very permanent consequences of “transitioning,” and the regret that so many women now face.

Kelsey Bolar
Executive producer of the series

P.s. Independent Women’s Network members are standing up for children who are being indoctrinated with gender ideology. Learn more about how our chapters are taking action and stand with kids by joining IWN today. Join here.