Friday, 23 September 2022

Iran shuts down internet after protests spiral over 22-year-old's death

Access to popular platforms such as Instagram and WhatsApp has been stopped following the death of Mahsa Amini after her arrest by the country's morality police. Read the story here.

Banned Books Week 2022: In conversation with Xinran

In recognition of Banned Books Week 2022, Index on Censorship’s Jemimah Steinfeld interviews author and journalist Xinran about censorship in China.

China must protect the rights of Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing

This week marks a year in detention for two Chinese human rights defenders: Huang Xueqin, an independent journalist and key actor in China’s #MeToo movement, and Wang Jianbing, a labour rights advocate. Index calls for the country to uphold its international obligations

Saudi Arabia is equating free online expression with terrorism

As we mark 20 months since the arrest of Salma al-Shehab, Index calls for an overhaul of the country’s Specialized Criminal Court, which is increasingly being used to target human rights activists and opponents of the ruling family. Read the story here.

Mexican journalists are still being failed

Mexico has long been a dangerous place for journalists and press freedom is under attack. More than 150 journalists have been murdered in Mexico since 2000 and less than 1% of crimes committed against journalists in the country are actually punished. Read the story here

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