No Bully Holiday Logo on top of,

Hi John,

It's been an incredible year for No Bully, thanks to our team, our board, our partners, and our community. Through it, we've launched a new digital initiative, Survey of Students, to monitor the well being of schools in real time. We've partnered with over 100 schools to reduce bullying this year alone. And I'm also excited to announce that we met our goal for the 10K for 10k Giving Tuesday Challenge - you have truly helped us double our impact this year in the mission to eradicate bullying.  

Because of all of these outstanding achievements, I want to take the time to say thank you to everyone who has supported us through this journey. Though 2020 is almost here, we still have a few updates and announcements before the end of December for you to check out below. See you next year for our next update! 


Will McCoy, CEO

No Bully Updates

No Bully Wins Two Awards at Festival El Chupete!

We had the honor to attend Festival El Chupete, run by an organization whose key objective is promoting responsible digital content for kids, as a nominee and as the winner of the Grand Digital Prize and Best Video Prize! We hope to continue to drive change and awareness around digital literacy, bullying, and cyberbullying! Check out our winning video by clicking the link.

No Bully Founder Nicholas Carlisle (right) and VP of Development Erik Stangvik (left) accepting one of two awards at Festival El Chupete.

Broadway Against Bullying 2020!

Last-minute holiday shopping? Gift your loved ones the one night only experience of our Broadway Against Bullying cabaret show. Our New York City event on March 9, 2020, features stars from some of Broadway’s biggest musicals as they perform songs for you and share their experiences with bullying, such as Hamilton Star Lexi Lawson, pictured here.

No Bully's Holiday Campaign

On average, students spend half of their lives in school, not counting any after school activities. School is their world and you can help make it a kinder one.

Holiday Globe

No Bully in the News

"We're Really Making an Impact"

Brooke Krohn is used to having an impact on students’ lives. As a social worker at New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva (NRHEG) Public Schools...Read More

Building a Culture of Kindness

Things are changing at Edgewood Academy. They’d done some anti-bullying work over the years on their K-8 campus, so bullying wasn’t a major...Read More

Thank You to Our Partners

As a nonprofit we rely on the generosity of our community to help sustain our efforts. We are incredibly grateful to those who make our mission work possible. We also want to thank our amazing partners for sponsoring a large portion of our schools - they have not only shown support for our cause, but are taking action to change the world for the better!

Do You Know a School That Wants to Reduce Bullying?

If you know of a school that is interested in working with No Bully, please contact us below.

No Bully
1012 Torney Avenue  | San Francisco, California 94129
(415) 767-0070 | ​[email protected]

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