Dear John

Who gets to tell the story of your community? And what happens when, instead of making assumptions, film-makers hand over the cameras, microphones and decisions to local people to tell their own story?

Church Action on Poverty invite you to come along to a special film evening as part of Challenge Poverty Week to find out, and to see whether your community could also take control of its own narrative in this way.

Made in Britain

The Guardian’s Made In Britain film series, which Church Action on Poverty has been involved in, is a video journalism project, examining inequality, poverty and the challenges communities face in the wake of the pandemic. It radically changes the way community stories are told, handing the cameras, microphones and decisions to local people. It ensures we all hear from communities and people who have too often been ignored or misrepresented.

We will show two films from the series: Made In Liverpool (20 minutes) and Made In Doncaster (35 minutes). There will then be a chance to ask questions with Sue from Liverpool, Rachel from Doncaster and John from The Guardian, discussing the issues raised and the methods involved.

Everyone is welcome and we’d love to see you there!