Today the government announced a mini-budget that will increase poverty and widen inequality. Greens are mobilising.
Green background with Green Party logo in white



Today the government announced a mini-budget that is a tax-giveaway for the rich and will leave millions of families struggling this winter.


These measures have been put forward by a government who are actively working to fuel poverty and widen inequality.


This is a disgrace and we must mobilise to oppose this government right now.


Co-Leader Adrian Ramsey has stated:


“The cost of these Tory tax cuts will be higher interest rates, suppressed wages and cuts to vital public services. People and the planet will pay a very high price for this economic and environmental vandalism.


We need a tax on super profits, the dirty profits of the fossil fuel companies and the super-rich.”

Greens are proposing:

  • A “dirty profits tax” - a super tax on the grotesque profits of oil and gas companies to ensure that everyone has a warm home this winter
  • Raise taxes on the wealthy
  • An uplift in Universal Credit by £40 a week
  • An increase in the minimum wage
  • A pay increase in line with inflation for 2.5 million public sector workers, including teachers, nurses, doctors, police officers, and members of the armed forces

We will continue to fight for climate and social justice. But we can’t do it alone.


Join the Green Party today to send a message that these cruel, regressive policies are not acceptable and that together we are a force for change.

Join the thousands of Greens working together to create a fairer, greener future today


In solidarity,

The Green Party