Supporter -
While partisanship and division seem to paralyze Capitol Hill these days, I can offer one bright spot: A number of bills protecting our most iconic public lands from fracking, drilling and mining did pass the House in 2019, with bipartisan support.
Sadly, these vital pieces of legislation—measures protecting the Grand and Chaco Canyon National Parks from drilling and mining—aren't yet safeguarding sacred lands or groundwater. They're just gathering dust on Mitch McConnell's desk.
McConnell has made it clear on issue after issue that he's loathe to cross President Trump, who's made his desire to sell off our pristine public spaces to his Big Oil and Gas backers equally clear. So it's up to us to marshal support to bring these crucial bills to the Senate floor for a vote.
We've got our advocacy teams scheduling drop-bys in key Senators' offices. We're rallying grassroots support to flood the Senate with calls, emails, texts and tweets. Can you help us do it all with a monthly gift today?
Please, make a monthly gift to the Sierra Club now. Help us end the reign of polluters and profiteers in Washington, and protect our iconic landscapes from drilling, fracking, and mining. As a thank-you we'll send you a FREE pair of our Parks Project Socks.
Since the early days of this administration, Trump and his Crony Cabinet have pushed to open our public lands to fossil fuel extraction, deforestation and road development, even uranium mining! And every step of the way, the Sierra Club community has been there to push back—rallying our allies on Capitol Hill, working in solidarity with indigenous communities, filing lawsuits, launching media campaigns and more.
With the House-passed bills awaiting a Senate vote, we have a chance to permanently protect the Grand Canyon, Chaco Canyon, and more than 200,000 acres of public land in Colorado from energy development.
We can't risk dirty drilling and toxic mining that would endanger the health of Native communities, erode recreational economies, and permanently scar sacred and archeological sites in throughout these last wild regions of our country. We've got to act now to permanently protect these areas—and we need your help to do it.
Rush your year-end monthly gift to the Sierra Club now, while there's still time to protect our iconic public lands from the Trump Administration and Mitch McConnell's toxic agenda.
The Sierra Club is working hard to pass protective bipartisan measures into law.
Together, we can and will do this. Thank you for your steadfast support throughout this tumultuous year. With you at our side, we move forward.
With determination,

Michael Brune
Executive Director
Sierra Club
P.S. — If you've already made your gift, THANK YOU. We're busy processing donations, and we really appreciate your support. |