Dear John,

Did you know children who are perceived to be "different" in any way are significantly more at risk of being bullied?  Key factors include not conforming to gender norms, physical appearance, race, nationality or color, and socioeconomic background

Inclusivity, kindness, and youth empowerment are at the center of our Solution Teams® methodology because we believe that everyone deserves to live a fulfilled life, that everyone has the human right to a bully-free childhood. 

But we would not be able to carry out our mission work without the support of you and other Upstanders! Your contributions are critical and help foster the change in schools that transforms the day to day experiences of our students. 

John, please consider making a tax-deductible donation now. A gift of ANY amount helps make a difference.

[Our arts school] has focused on anti-bullying for the past five years. With the No Bully program, we have experienced our most successful year yet! I love the approach of "resocializing" the bully without stigma and labels. This works! We feel empowered to handle the social challenges that our youth face during their middle school experience. 


Please join us, your fellow educators, and parents and give today.  Let's start the New Year right by making the world a kinder place in 2020!  


Team No Bully

P.S. Not convinced? Please share your feedback with us. We want to know what inspires you!

No Bully
1012 Torney Avenue  | San Francisco, California 94129
(415) 767-0070 | [email protected]

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