Folks -- This is a really important month for us. Here’s why:

In a couple of weeks, our fundraising numbers are going to become public when we file our very first full quarterly report with the FEC.

Whatever we report -- both in terms of money raised and number of individual donors -- will send a message about our campaign.

Our report will be picked apart by everyone, from the pundits to Washington Republican operatives desperately searching for any sign of weakness as they try to tear us down.

But if our FEC report demonstrates the strength and energy of this grassroots campaign we’re building, then we’ll start 2020 with the momentum we need to win this election come November.

This is a big test for our campaign, and we’re doing it without taking any money from corporate PACs. Can I count on you to add a contribution of $10 (or more!) to our campaign before the FEC deadline at the end of this month?

There is something special happening in our campaign. We’re putting together a powerful movement of people, and we’re doing it the right way: lifting folks up instead of tearing them down, talking about the issues, and refusing money from the corporate PACs polluting our politics.

I’m glad you’re a part of it, and I really hope I can count on you to step up and make a donation before the deadline.

All my best,

— John