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We have a humanitarian crisis at the U.S./Mexico border, and it’s getting worse each day.

The Trump Administration has done everything in their power to worsen living conditions for children and families seeking asylum at our ports of entry. 

These are women and young children who have fled life-threatening conditions back home. Instead of providing safe refuge, we are throwing them into concentration camps where children have died, families are being held in cages, and people are told to drink water from the toilet while not being allowed to bathe. 

This is not a humane way to treat ANYONE. Can you donate to our organization as we keep fighting to help children and families?

This week, House Democrats tried to provide aid by passing the Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in Customs and Border Protection Custody Act, which would provide basic humane standards of care for children and families in immigration detention centers. 

This bill was not controversial, but all House Republicans voted against it, except one. Under the Trump Administration, even simple baselines for humanitarian care have become politicized.

We can’t let this stand. With your help, we are committed to ending this humanitarian crisis at the border and holding the Trump Administration and the elected officials that won’t stand up to them accountable. Donate to our organization today.

With your funds, we will:

Help us complete this mission. Donate to our cause today.

The inhumane conditions at the border cannot go on.

Thank you for your support,



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