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A Christmas Message from Minnesota Family Council


Dear John

Jesus Christ came to save sinners. He came as a child in Bethlehem, fully God and fully man. On December 25th, we celebrate his birth.

These are the simple facts of Christmas, but not the whole story. Christmas is world-changing. Christmas, God coming to dwell with man, is the reason we have ultimate hope and confidence that our struggle is not in vain. We know that God values the lives of children, because He came to Earth as one. We know that God values families, because He chose to save the world through the holy family of Jesus Christ.

It gets dark and cold here in Minnesota in December. But our hearts are warm and full - I call it Christmas confidence! We believe and trust that God will do great things in 2020 - in our hearts and in our state. Minnesota Family Council exists because we trust God's promises. We invite you to join us - click here to contribute to our 2020 mission.

Another thing that we're hopeful for? Our 2020 Annual Dinner with Abby Johnson! This is a huge deal - Abby's story of leaving Planned Parenthood, finding Christ, and working on the front lines of the abortion conflict to save lives is riveting! Will you join us on May 11, 2020? As of today, registration is open! Click here, or scroll down for more information!

We're taking a break next week, so no weekly newsletter on the 27th. Please enjoy the wonderful article below by one of our talented staff, and hug your family tightly as you celebrate Christmas this coming week.

With God's blessings for you and your family,


John Helmberger, CEO

Minnesota Family Council & Institute

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How The Incarnation Changes Politics

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“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of deep darkness, on them has light shone.” - Isaiah 9:2

Christmas is the time for remembering the incarnation and its significance—the fact that we were rebels, dead in our sin, but God broke into our darkness. God owed us nothing, yet he chose to take on human flesh and to cover our sin by his perfect life and death. In a world full of sorrow, violence, and evil, the baby in the manger brought joy, peace, and hope. That incredible reality, and the fact that through Christ, God is reconciling us to himself shapes every element of how we interact with the world around us, including how we approach cultural engagement.

It isn’t a stretch of the imagination to believe that everyone, at some point, has asked, “Why is the world like this? Why is there so much brokenness? Why so much darkness?” There is reason to grieve the brokenness of the world, but we must not forget that, thanks to the incarnation, the darkness that we see and feel around us has already been broken. As the old Christmas carol reminds us, there is “A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!” At the incarnation, a new day has dawned. 

Read the whole piece by MFC's Patience Griswold at The Family Beacon.

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2020 Annual Dinner on May 11 with Abby Johnson - Registration is Now Open!


We're so excited for our 2020 Annual Dinner with Abby Johnson, one of our generation's strongest voices defending the unborn. Will you join us on May 11 for an evening of encouragement and transformation? Registration is now open! Click here to register!

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LEAD Registration Now Open!


Register your teen early and SAVE $50!

LEAD is a project of Minnesota Family Council designed to equip the next generation. During this one-week program, teens are challenged with interactive Biblical worldview sessions, and real-world simulations to learn critical thinking, clear communication, and gain teamwork skills.

July 26th–July 31st, 2020

University of Northwestern – St. Paul

Registration: $499

Financial Aid Available


 Follow LEAD on Facebook and Instagram

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Support MFC When You Shop Online This Holiday Season!


Did you know that when you shop for the holidays with Amazon Smile, Amazon makes a donation to Minnesota Family Institute at no cost to you?

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Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

Get Your Copy of the Minnesota Parent Resource Guide!

The Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play a positive role in creating a truly welcoming school community. 

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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same!

Click to order your copy today:

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Thank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council's vision for 
strong families and communities through Christ. We are grateful for your partnership with us in prayer, legislative involvement and generous donations.


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Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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