
A bill currently on California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk would allow the state of California to steal Texas kids.

Yes, that’s right.

Under the bill, SB107 any child, even those from another state who make it to California, will be able to obtain gender modification treatment WITHOUT their parents’ knowledge or consent. But it gets worse. The bill also allows California Judges to remove custody from the child’s parents. Liberals are calling this a “sanctuary state” bill. We call it kidnapping.

Any child who runs away from home and makes it to California could undergo gender modification procedures without their parent's permission or knowledge. Further, any adult who helps the children run away could receive legal custody of the child from California courts!

Contact Governor Abbott’s Office TODAY to urge him to protect Texas children. >>

With advancements in medical technology via telemedicine it is possible that a child would not have to visit California in order for a California-based doctor to prescribe them puberty blockers even if it’s illegal in their home state.

The Republican Party of Texas affirms the Constitutional and God-given right of fit parents to oversee their children. This California bill is an all-out assault on that time-honored right.

Governor Abbott needs to stand up for Texas parents RIGHT NOW. Please contact his office and urge him to protect Texas families by publicly pressuring Gov. Newsom to veto this bill.


If you prefer to call, Governor Abbott’s public comment line is (512) 463-2000.

Thank you for your patriotism,
Texas Republicans
Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768

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