From CatholicVote <[email protected]>
Subject pick your fav
Date December 20, 2019 9:46 PM
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Dear CV Friend,

"An existential threat..."

"A constitutional crisis..."

" unprecedented abuse of power."

Which was your favorite?

Opponents of President Trump rushed the impeachment process,
claiming the threat was too grave to conduct a thorough and fair
investigation. And today they leave town for Christmas break.

But wait...the impeachment articles are still sitting on Nancy
Pelosi's desk!

On advice from a left-wing law professor, Pelosi has decided to
hold off sending over the impeachment articles, hoping she can
dictate the terms of a trial in the Senate. Her antics remind me
of the fable of the boy who cried wolf. If you shriek long
enough about the coming doom, and then betray your own words with
your actions -- Americans are bound to stop believing you.

QUESTION: What does Pelosi's latest maneuver remind you of?

Brett Kavanaugh anyone?

Like their campaign against Justice Kavanaugh, the goal is now to
defeat the President by any means necessary. Stack the deck,
manipulate the process, ignore the evidence...and presumption of
innocence be damned. Trump is GUILTY unless anyone can prove him

On this score, you might remember the shameless quote by "Squad"
Congresswoman Rashida Talib when Democrats took control of
Congress at the start of the year: "We're gonna go in and impeach
the motherf--ker."

And they did.

But now the polls are turning. A majority of voters now oppose
removing the President -- and newly released polling shows the
President in a dead heat against each of his Democratic rivals in
the battleground states.

It goes without saying, Trump is no perfect man. He makes
mistakes, tweets recklessly at times, offends unnecessarily...the
list goes on. We aren't blind.

But he's fighting back against a stacked deck.

And he's had our back over the past 3 years -- on nearly every
issue that matters.

Now's the time to return the favor.

Chip in now and help us fight to defend our President.
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P.‌O. Box 259‌837 | Madi‌son, WI 53725 | (312) 201-6559

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