Looking ahead to COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh
Fresh Energy's J. Drake Hamilton will be attending the global climate summit where she anticipates productive conversations about U.S. progress over the past year, Finance for Climate Adaptation, and more. 
Xcel Energy rate case presents an opportunity to co-create Minnesota's energy future
Xcel Energy's gas rate case will impact not just customers, but the future of gas in Minnesota. Get the details on how Fresh Energy and our partners are engaging in this process.
Fresh Spotlight: Sharing critical stories on clean energy and climate
Unbiased, fact-based, and digestible information about clean energy and climate can be hard to come by—learn how Fresh Energy's Energy News Network team is filling this gap.
Visual arts as a vehicle for our clean energy future
Thanks to Amarilys Henderson, Fresh Energy's community space is filled with beautiful watercolor artwork that tells a clean energy story.
Don't miss out! Register for our October 13 Virtual Benefit Breakfast by this Tuesday to get a special thank you gift that includes Minnesota-grown Kernza pancake mix, new Fresh Energy art, and more!
If you're one of the first 300 guests to register and we'll send you a copy of the bestseller Speed and Scale, courtesy of Benefit Breakfast guest speaker, Ryan Panchadsaram. Register today!
Fresh Energy is working across coalitions to ensure that plans for federal Weatherization Assistance Program dollars fill equity gaps in Minnesota’s current process.
Minnesota is evaluating whether to update our state's residential building energy code. Get the details on why this update is too important to take for granted and tune into our Decarbonize podcast for a codes explainer!
Fresh Energy and our partners filed public comments in the Natural Gas Innovation Act's Future of Gas Docket to propose a roadmap for the future of gas in Minnesota.
To advance our mission, Fresh Energy firmly centers principles of anti-racism, justice, and equity in our work. Read our newly updated Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Fresh Energy applauds the Walz Administration's new Climate Action Framework. We're looking forward to working with the Administration and state agencies on implementation.
September 28 | Where does the water go?
Are solar farms a threat to water quality or a community asset? Join us to find out!
October 13 | 2022 Virtual Benefit Breakfast 
Join Fresh Energy for an inspiring virtual conversation about driving an ambitious climate and clean energy agenda.
October 15 | Recharge Northfield EV Expo
Join Recharge Minnesota, Fresh Energy, and guests to talk all things EVs.
October 27 | The IRA and You
Join Fresh Energy and connect the dots between personal carbon emissions and opportunities in the Inflation Reduction Act.
To continue our work, we rely on the generosity of people like you who care about America’s energy future. We are thankful for our recent members and corporate supporters who donated to Fresh Energy in May, June, July, and August. Click here to see the full list.
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Fresh Energy · 408 Saint Peter Street, Suite 350 · Saint Paul, MN 55102 · USA