Fellow Conservative, it's Young Kim again. My campaign is running on EMPTY! My team and I have tried to reach you SEVEN TIMES... Radical Democrats are kicking it into HIGH GEAR to defeat me. They just added me to Pelosi’s ‘Red to Blue’ list and labeled my seat as ‘primed to swing in Democrats favor’. It would mean a Liberal would replace me in the House and Republicans would FAIL to take back the House. Without you, I'm worried they’ll pull it off… This is a make-it-or-break-it moment, Fellow Conservative. I need to fundraise at least another $1,239 to sustain my campaign. Let me be very clear: I’m NOT asking you for that much. I’m humbly asking you to make a small contribution before my midnight deadline to save my campaign. If everyone on this list sends just $10 or $25, we’ll make it: 
If we fail, I’m going to lose and Pelosi will rejoice. I'm really hoping I can count on you. - Young Kim
We’ll get straight to the point, Fellow Conservative: We are completely dependent on grassroots support to fuel our efforts against the Democrats. YOU are the reason Young is in Congress today, and YOU will be the reason she’s able to continue our fight for small business support, lower taxes, slashing red tape, cutting back unnecessary government spending, more educational opportunities for our children, fixing our broken immigration system, and keeping the American Dream alive for generations. So, we’re humbly asking for $3, $5, $10, or a greater amount to help keep my seat so I can keep fighting for you. Also, don’t miss a message from Young! To receive texts from Young Kim and our team, text YOUNG to 67074. Paid for by Young Kim for Congress | 3532 E. Chapman Ave. Orange 92869