Team — I’ve been asked recently why we’ve been so focused on our ballot access activities, and about why we keep asking you to chip in to our Ballot Access Fund.

The truth is, President Trump’s campaign is changing the rules on the fly, and they are silencing millions of voices in the process. By creating obstacles for me to get my name added to primary election ballots in states all across the country, the Trump campaign is ensuring that conservative values and a belief in the rule of law become mere footnotes in the story of the modern Republican Party.

I don’t know about you, but fealty to a corrupt, self-centered President is not the reason I call myself a Republican. Each and every day, our campaign works tirelessly to make a single point: Blind loyalty to Donald Trump is not consistent with conservative ideology.

Our campaign is growing fast, and it’s because of support like yours that we’re closing in on our goal of being included in every 2020 primary election possible. Can you help us reach that objective with a contribution of $50, $100, or whatever you can right now?


Thank you for sharing my faith in America.

— Bill

Paid for by Weld for President 2020 Presidential Campaign Committee · United States
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