John, I’m completely blown away. It was close, but with your support, we managed to reach our fundraising goal ahead of our public reporting deadline this past Tuesday.


I’m completely blown away. It was close, but with your support, we managed to reach our fundraising goal ahead of our public reporting deadline this past Tuesday.

We had no choice but to set an ambitious target. This is one of the most closely watched races in the country, and a poll was just released showing me down by four points against my GOP opponent – an anti-choice hedge fund lawyer with zero courtroom experience. 

So, when our year-to-date fundraising numbers are published this month, they need to prove that we have the resources and people-power to win this race – and thanks to you, they will.

I promise I’ll continue to fight as hard as I can, and I’m so grateful to know you have my back. Nothing we do is possible without your support.

Thank you so much,

Keith Ellison


Prepared and paid for by the Keith Ellison for Attorney General committee, PO Box 17224, Minneapolis, MN 55417

Keith Ellison for Attorney General
PO Box 17224
Minneapolis, MN 55417
United States