Dear John,

Will you help Alabama Arise make our state better? With two weeks left, we need just 49 more new members to reach our next goal on the path toward a new membership record.

We want you with us as we build a movement for a stronger, more inclusive Alabama together. With a gift of just $15, you can become an Arise member today.

Your support will strengthen our voice in 2020 for long-term solutions to the challenges facing Alabamians who struggle to make ends meet. And by joining Arise before Aug. 8, you’ll be eligible to help determine our priority issues for the coming year at our annual meeting Sept. 7 in Montgomery.

At our annual meeting, you’ll learn about policy proposals that would promote justice and opportunity for Alabamians living in poverty. You’ll hear about our tax reform plan that would provide money to expand Medicaid, untax groceries, ensure full funding for ALL Kids health coverage for children and address other critical needs. And you’ll meet people from across Alabama who are working to improve our state.

Your gift of just $15 today will make you part of Arise’s growing movement for change. Please join us as we work together to make Alabama a better place for everyone!

Alabama Arise
P.O. Box 1188  | Montgomery, Alabama 36101
(334) 832-9060 | [email protected]

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