The exhortation of St. Peter is simple: Fear God, honor the emperor. Fulfilling this command, though, is anything but.
On October 3, I will sit down with
New York Times columnist Ross Douthat to discuss the relation between Christian faith and political power at Chicago’s beautiful Athenaeum Center for Thought and Culture. Reserve your ticket today by clicking on
this secure link.
Secularism claims that all goods worth pursuing are found in this life. It is clear now that secularism has spent down the Christian inheritance of the West.
It is urgent, therefore, to recover a biblical understanding of God’s authority in its two manifestations—the “two swords.” The temporal sword is used to ensure peace and tranquility in the civic realm; the spiritual sword guides and governs souls toward the end of their salvation in Christ.
How can we recover this biblical understanding in a rapidly secularizing culture? And what do the two swords of God’s authority require of us, the faithful, in a time like ours?
Click on the secure link below to claim your spot at my October 3 conversation with Ross Douthat at the Athenaeum Center. Tickets are free of charge, with a suggested donation.