Dear Friend,

Please watch this short video (2 minute) to see what happened to this Muslim traveler at the airport and how CAIR intervened to help.

Help CAIR help more people like him.

Our end-of-year fundraising goal is $1,200,000.

All donations to CAIR are fully tax-deductible/zakat-eligible (Tax ID# 77-0646756) and are eligible for employer matching programs.

I urge you not to turn down any request to support a good cause, because every donation helps.


Nihad Awad

CAIR National Executive Director

* P.S. -- If you would like to deduct your gift from your 2019 taxes, please be sure to make your gift online at by Dec. 31, 2019; or if mailing a check, be sure it is postmarked by Dec. 31, 2019. 


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