Looking back as the year ends
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Another year ends. As you take a moment to reflect, you ask yourself, how’s it going? What changed during this circle around the sun? What stayed the same?

You may remember that one year ago we were talking about how Indian Country was under attack. Sacred places sold off to corporate interests. Decreasing access to political participation. Ongoing removal of children from communities and family homes.

As we look back one year later, those attacks continue. Unfortunately, that has not changed. You know what we are talking about because you have been standing by our side in this fight.

But even as they attack, we continue to stand strong. As we look ahead to the new year, we will not back down. Will you take a stand with us? Will you continue to be our partner in this fight?

Bears Ears National Monument. Keystone XL Pipeline. Indian Child Welfare Act. Voter ID Laws. Our Precious Water Rights. You make each of these important battles possible.

These are not quick battles. These are not easy battles. But they are essential battles. They are enduring batttles. They are our legacy. Where will we be as a nation if these battles are not fought? Where would we be today without the battles of previous years and generations?

Join us and donate today to create justice and changes lives now and in the future.


P.S. If you already made a donation for the end-of-year giving season—maybe it is in the mail or is being recorded in our online system right now—we thank you for your support.

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