There are 48 days until Election Day and things couldn’t be closer in the Commonwealth.
According to 538’s modeling, Congresswoman Luria is in the closest race in the House, The National Republican Campaign Committee just added Yesli Vega to their “Young Guns” top-tier target list and Kevin McCarthy’s Congressional Leadership Fund has spent millions in attack ads against our Virginia Democrats.
Your support is crucial to Democrats winning across Virginia, can we count on you?
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These elections and control of the House of Representatives could come down to just a few votes. That’s why I’m reaching out right now. With your support, we can knock on more doors, call more voters, and get more folks out to the polls to vote early or on Election Day.
So, I’m asking. Can I count on you to chip in $5, $10, or whatever you can to help us turn out voters and win in November?
Nick Scott
Democratic Party of Virginia