September 21, 2022
Manchester, NH – In case you missed it, General Don Bolduc, the GOP nominee for U.S. Senate, penned an op-ed in today’s Union Leader, stressing the need for Republican unity in order to defeat Senator Hassan in November:
IT’S AN UNDERSTATEMENT to say there was a lot of noise in the lead up to last week’s primary. Millions of dollars of Republican-sponsored ads attacked me, Democratic ads targeted one of my opponents. It was easy to lose track of who was on whose side.
My campaign did not spend a cent on television ads. Instead, we did things the New Hampshire way and put our fate in the hands of the voters. I held 50 town hall meetings across the state, fielding questions on every topic under the sun. I met voters where they lived, worked and played, at diners, coffee shops, bars and VFWs. I held mothers’ hands, I looked fathers in the eye, I heard the fears of retirees who were forced back into the workforce.
To a tee, almost everyone was concerned about the inflationary crisis inflicted on our state by the Biden administration and their Senate enablers, including my general election opponent, Maggie Hassan. Groceries, gas, electricity, health care: you name it, it’s more expensive now than it used to be. The latest report showed inflation four times higher than when President Joe Biden took office. Families are making impossible choices regarding basic everyday necessities.
For six long years, Senator Hassan has represented New Hampshire in Washington, but not for a day has she ever embodied our values. Unlike Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Hassan has been a nearly invisible presence in the state. In the Senate, she voted for Biden’s agenda 100% of the time through November 2021. Since then, facing a tough re-election, that number has “dropped” to 96%.
Read the full column HERE.