September 21, 2022
Dear John,
The Biden administration has issued a document that eliminates women and girls from international relief funding.
You read that right.
The United States spends billions of dollars overseas in relief and education efforts. From now on, women and girls are no longer a part of that.
How is this possible?
Because the new policy is all about “gender.”
Biden tells us that “gender” is not binary, that is it is not about men and women. The document implies men and women are not based in nature, but that “men and women” are a social construct.
Biden says “gender” is “non-binary.” The document refers to women and girls “in all their diversity” and the “full range of gender identity and/or gender expression, sex characteristics, and sexual orientation.”
Quite plainly, women and girls are defined out of existence.
What do you think our daughters will think about that?
All Hell is packed into this notion.
The C-Fam team has been on the front line of this issue for 25 years. Did you know we helped to negotiate a powerful definition of gender in international law? The definition of gender in international law is “men and women in the context of society.”
The sexual left HATES this definition and has tried for twenty years to change it.
Because of Joe Biden, we are involved in trench warfare with the sexual revolutionaries. They never had a better friend than Joe Biden.
I ask you to help us fight this new policy. I cannot tell you all we are doing since our opponents are on our email list. But know this, it involves legal documents.
Our response includes equipping our friends in the developing world to fight what is coming for them and their mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters.
We will not give up this fight. Ever.
But we need your help.
We are way behind last year’s fundraising. We are trying very hard to catch up and we need you right now.
100% of every donation goes to fighting for life, faith, and family at the UN, in Washington DC and around the globe.
We are a small team, but we are mighty!